Lodge Leuchar No. 1224
Lodge Royal Braemar No. 1195
PGL Billet etc
Here are copies of the Billets (A4 & A5), Important Dates and a Calendar for the 2016/17 season.
16-17 – Summons & Billet FINAL a4
16-17 – Summons & Billet FINAL a5
Lodge St. Nathalan of Tullich-in-Mar No. 259
Lodge St. Nathalan of Tullich-in-Mar No. 259
Due to the ongoing clean-up efforts in Ballater as a result of the recent flooding, the Lodge might not open on Wednesday 20th January (tomorrow night); even if the Lodge does open, it will be a Business Meeting only, they are not planning to hold their Installation.
In light of their issues, the RWM has asked potential visitors not to make a concerted effort to come out to Ballater for what will be a very short evening.
Festival of St. Andrew
Festival of St. Andrew
The Installation of the Grand Master Mason and Grand Lodge Office Bearers will take place on Thursday 26th November 2015
Due to the numbers attending the Ceremony, admission to Freemason’s Hall is restricted to those with tickets to the meal that follows.
We have a spare ticket and anyone who would like to attend the Festival, please let me know and I will give you the details.
Inter-Provincial Visit
Saturday 10th October 2015
The PGL of Aberdeen City invited the neighbouring Provincial Grand Lodges to visit Freemason’s Hall in Crown Street, Aberdeen.
Representatives from Aberdeenshire East, Aberdeenshire West, Banffshire and Moray & Nairn (Kincardineshire had a previous Masonic engagement) witnessed an excellent Mark Degree worked by Lodge Operative No. 150
Thanks must be extended to Aberdeen City & Lodge Operative No. 150 for their excellent hospitality and harmony that followed.