January 26

Inter-Provincial Visit

To celebrate Bro. Andy Lawrie reaching the end of his term as RWPGM, Lodge Royal Braemar No. 1195 hosted an inter-Provincial visitation.

The visiting Provinces included:-

Aberdeen City

Aberdeenshire East




Over eighty Brethren attended the day, where the Office Bearers of Aberdeenshire West worked a Third Degree.

One of the highlights of the day was the presentation of a cheque to Friends of Anchor.

Thanks to the fundraising efforts of the Brethren of Aberdeenshire West, Bro. Lawrie was delighted to be able to hand over a donation of £11,500.

After the degree, the Brethren enjoyed the harmony where stovies and/or macaroni were served.

Copyright © PGL of Aberdeenshire West 2014. All rights reserved.

Posted 26 January, 2019 by PGSec in category "PGL