May 19

Sunday – 25th May

Freemason’s Hall, Crown Street, Aberdeen will be open to all at 2pm

After a couple of years of hard work and dedication, the Aberdeen Masonic Choir is ready to launch the CD of their recordings.

There will be tours of the building, a buffet (maybe a glass of wine??), a song or two from the “Sweet Adelines” and maybe, if you are really lucky,  a performance from the Aberdeen Masonic Choir themselves.

The CD will be available to buy on the day at the bargain price of £10.

All proceeds from the sale of the CD are to go towards the upkeep of this unique building.


Copyright © PGL of Aberdeenshire West 2014. All rights reserved.

Posted 19 May, 2014 by PGSec in category "Daughter Lodges